Digital Detox: How to Unplug in 3 Easy Steps


A digital detox can seem daunting and bring on feelings of FOMO (fear of missing out), but it doesn't have to be! Here is how to unplug in 3 easy steps!

A digital detox is taking time away from our electronic devices.

Is a digital detox right for you?

Do you...

  • Notice that you spend time aimlessly scrolling through the news, social media, and other things on the internet?

  • Quickly pick up your phone when you get a notification?

  • Fear that if you are away from your electronic devices you will be missing out on something?

  • Spend more time than you intended to on your phone, computer, or television?

  • Have urges to check your email, social media, etc.?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then a digital detox may be just what you need! Even if you didn't answer yes, anyone can benefit from taking some time away from their electronic devices.

What are the benefits?

Here are some of the many benefits of doing a digital detox:

  • Free time: you will notice that once you start spending less time on your electronic devices, you will have more time to do other things that you enjoy.

  • Self-control: it takes a conscious effort to unplug and avoid the temptation to go on our phones. By doing a digital detox you will develop stronger self-control.

  • Reconnect: develop real-life connections, spend quality time with others, and engage in hobbies that you love.

How to unplug in 3 easy steps:

1. Identify your culprit(s)

What digital activities are taking up your time? Once you identify them, you can limit them to free up your time. Here are some things that you may notice yourself doing:

  • Constantly checking the news

  • Binge-watching TV shows

  • Aimlessly scrolling through social media

  • Excessively checking emails

  • Playing video games

  • Watching too many YouTube videos

2. Unplug yourself

Now that you've identified your culprits, you can start limiting the amount of time that you do these activities. It is best to start slow and then gradually increase your time away from digital devices. You can do as little or as much "detoxing" as you like.

Gradually detox:

  • One hour a day - start with dedicating one hour a day to unplug from all electronic devices or a specific activity that you've identified in Step 1. For example, this may be refraining from going on social media on Sundays from 8:00-9:00 pm.

  • One morning or evening a week - after you've got the hang of avoiding electronics for one hour, you can increase the hours. Choose a specific morning or evening to unplug. For example, putting away all electronic devices on Saturday mornings upon waking up until 2:00 pm.

  • One whole day a month - finally, work up to taking a whole day away from your phone, computer, and other electronic devices! Pick one day that best fits your schedule.

3. Fill up your new free time

Now that you have more free time, what do you want to do instead?

  • Try out a new hobby: crafts, sports, board games, baking, playing a musical instrument, yoga - anything!

  • Spend time with others: enjoy moments with people that you love in person.

  • Get outside: go explore the great outdoors!

  • Be creative: anything goes, as long as it is something that you enjoy and feel will be beneficial. (Electronic-free, of course!) :)

Most importantly, do what works for you.

If one whole day away from electronics is not possible for you, then you don't need to do that. Digital detoxing should not bring on feelings of anxiety, stress, or worry. If any of these feelings occur, then take it down a notch and start again slower.


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