Overcome Mental Burnout: 4 Tips to Shift Your Mindset


Signs of mental burnout:

  • Mental block, brain fog, and/or difficulty concentrating

  • Experiencing heightened emotions such as anxiety, anger, detachment, and/or pessimism

  • Physical symptoms such as headache, digestive issues, and/or difficulty sleeping

  • Social withdrawal, poor work/school performance, and/or inability to complete tasks

Overcome mental burnout: 4 tips to shift your mindset

1. Assess your feelings

What is it that you are actually feeling? We all interpret feelings and experience burnout differently. So, take the time to get in-tune with yourself and acknowledge what you are feeling. Here are some ways that you can better understand your feelings:

  • Write down your thoughts: jot down whatever comes to mind.

  • Talk it out: if you feel comfortable, discuss your feelings with someone close to you.

  • Sit in silence and do a body scan: take note of the sensations that you are feeling.

  • Doodle: express your thoughts creatively if you have difficulty putting it in words

2. Create realistic expectations

Do you expect too much or too little of yourself? For example, think about what you have done in the past and how long it look you to accomplish it. Use that as a basis for setting realistic expectations for the future. Here are some tips:

  • Prioritize your needs.

  • Have a to-do list.

  • Make SMART goals.

3. Set healthy boundaries

Boundaries allow us to conserve our emotional energy, give us space, and help build self-esteem. Furthermore, it is important to think of boundaries as protecting our relationships, as opposed to building walls to keep people out.

  • Assess and define: how much do you have on your plate and where do you need to set boundaries?

  • Know when to say no: keep it simple and avoid over-explaining.

  • Be clear and assertive: use "I statements", such as "I feel…", this will allow you to be assertive without blaming the recipient.

4. Be kind to yourself

Overall, it is important to appreciate all that you do! Avoid self-criticism and negative self-talk. Instead, try adding some self-love into your daily routine:

  • Take time to rest: schedule breaks in your day to give yourself time to relax.

  • Do something that you enjoy: anything that makes you feel good.

  • Replenish yourself: nourish your body and mind with whole foods and stay hydrated - more nutrition tips to come!

It is important to note that you should discuss your situation with a mental health professional if you are experiencing burnout and you are having difficulty overcoming it, or if you suspect that you may also have a mental health condition.


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